Wednesday, July 12, 2006


The Sarasota Herald-Tribune's political blog Political Insider has generally been one of the state's best. But we ask today: What has happened to Jeremy Wallace, who writes much of the material for the blog? It has been one month to the day since the last entry was made there, mentioning how the U.S. Senate race has lost the buzz it had early on.

But while Mr. Wallace hasn't posted on the blog recently, he does continue to write his weekly political column. Too bad I missed the bit about TV talker and part-time Bird Key resident Jerry Springer (a former mayor of Cincinnati) being featured as the speaker for last night's Sarasota County Democratic Party fundraiser.

Springer, who has added a liberal radio talk show on the Air America network to his line of work, told the 200 Democrats in attendance that it didn't matter when we pulled out of Iraq, as the Islamic factions there have been warring for more than a millenieum. Regardless of when U.S. and Allied troops leave, the factions would simply wait and nail each other in civil war.


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