Wednesday, March 15, 2006


The Orlando Sentinel columnist Scott Maxwell looks at the tone of the latest fundraising letter sent out recently by Congressman Tom Feeney (R - Oviedo) and wonders if the recent GOP scandals in DC has him scared that a serious anti-Republican backlash will reach his district and jeopardize his re-election in November.

He fears that "If the Democrat Party bosses think I am vulnerable, liberal 527 groups, labor unions, radical leftist groups and their friends in the media will pile on, dump massive amounts of money and send labor union thugs into this district to try and take this seat away from you.". Yeah, like a bunch of Teamsters will be pressuring folks to vote their way a la old-time Chicago, threatening to break some knees.

Feeney also piles on the gloom and doom that the radical leftists would receive help from "the local media" talking about "conspiracy theories and complete lies", as well as President Bush being impeached and massive military and homeland security budget cuts, resulting in a victory for al-Qaeda and the terrorists...making it sound that Democrats and progressives are in bed with Osama and company.

Feeney's not THAT vunerable, to be quite honest. His district, which covers parts of Brevard, Seminole, Orange, and Volusia counties, was drawn to lean heavily Republican. While he certainly wants to have a nice campaign account to keep away any serious challengers, my guess is that Feeney really wants to flip much of this incoming money to his PAC or to aid other GOP candidates. Too bad he has to use a campaign of fear to do it instead of talking honestly and openly about the issues that Floridians really are concerned about.


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