Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I have always been a loyal Democrat, and have tried to be active as much as possible in my local party affairs. However, it always saddens me when it seems that we tend to fight amongst ourselves harder than we fight against the opposition. It's a waste of time, as well as needed effort.

Ernest Hooper in his St. Petersburg Times column today looks at yet another cafeteria food fight which has erupted within the Hillsborough County Democratic Executive Committee. The story made print in the Weekly Planet, and notes that Vice Chairman Bob Keenan sent a letter to new State Party Chairperson Karen Thurman requesting that DEC Chairperson Janee Murphy be removed alleging financial improprieties.

Murphy did admit mistakenly using the party's debit card instead of her own to pay a $382 medical bill, and said she reimbursed the funds immediately upon it being brought to her attention.

Her detractors also claim that Murphy has alienated influential supporters, but she insists that she is trying to make amends to those folks and make the party leadership more inclusive.

If the Democratic Party --- local, state, or national --- hopes to be taken seriously and become successful once again, we have to set aside these petty power grabs and personal bickering. We must someway learn together and come to some consensus before we can begin seriously challenge those on the other side.


Blogger Peter said...

Totally agree. Exactly what are they fighting for anyway...control of a county party that has managed to lose every competitive race it has been involved with?

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suspect they're trying to get rid of the "leadership" responsible for running a county party that has managed to lose every competitive race it's been involved with.

5:07 PM  

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