Monday, February 07, 2005


Now that Super Bowl XXIX is history, the big question for some at least is not "What happened to the Eagles?", but rather, "What did you think about the commercial...?"

The Lakeland Ledger had a panel of marketing/PR professionals from Polk County firms and a couple of average consumers giving their thoughts on the ads, which cost $2.4 million for a 30 second spot. They all seemed to dislike the bit, which featured a rather buxom young woman in a congressional committee setting suffering a "wardrobe malfunction". Nothing really indecent, but suggestive enough that --- according to the firm's blog Hot Points by Bob Parsons --- the NFL asked that FOX not run it's scheduled second airing which would have been in the second position at the two minute warning near the game's end (a "Simpsons" promo aired instead).

If you want to view the ad for yourself (in case you failed to watch last night), here is the link. It features the full Web-only ad as well as the broadcast approved commercial which ran.

Most seemed to like the FedEx piece with Burt Reynolds, and Ford's frozen driver ad promoting their new Mustang line (could that have been Mustang Bobby???). They also liked the "Working With Monkeys" ad. But overall, the panel felt "ho-hum" toward many of the other bits.


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