Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I see that U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman (D - CT) lost his primary race but is promising to run in the general election as an independent. OK, I didn't have a horse in that race, so the results don't really matter to me. However, it does concern me in one aspect, that many primary voters tend to focus on one issue and not look at the whole picture...and that's dangerous, not to mention short sighted.

Voters should take the time and effort to look at a candidate's complete picture, his/her record and opinions on a number of issues. Certainly, the decision to send American military forces into Iraq is a truly important issue --- just ask the families of those men and women who have given their lives in the effort there --- but it is not the only issue. Affordable health care, education, the rising cost of fuel and the need for alternative energy sources, protecting civil rights...all are important issues that the current administration has ignored, and need to be considered when deciding to support a candidate.

While many of us will likely not agree with a candidate 100% of the time, sometimes we need to look at the whole picture at the risk of electing someone with whom we disagree with more or may regret supporting in the long run.

BTW: Lieberman's decision to run as an independent in the general seems from here to be selfish, and risks the Republican candidate being elected as his supporters will suck votes from Lamont.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely and totally agree with you. I feel like voting on one issue is completely irresponsible. So is voting without being educated on the issues or the candidates for that matter, which unfortunately the majority of the electorate does.

11:16 AM  

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