Saturday, May 20, 2006


Some of our parents, certainly our grandparents, who lived in rural areas talked about the one-room schoolhouse. Of course, many of us have no way of comprenending being educated like that, with students from all grades being taught different things at the same time.

While very rare and far between, there are still a few one-room schoolhouses operating around the country. The last such relic in Florida, serving grades K-7, is located at Duette, in rural Manatee County. While it has often been a target for closure for nearly three decades, and the current superintendent would like to see it shut down for good, those who are there every day --- the teacher, assistant, cafeteria manager/custodian, and nine students --- seem to like it.

Lakeland Ledger reporter Diane Lacey Allen visited Duette recently, and her piece appears in today's edition and online here.

You've gotta give it to Superintendent Dr. Roger Dearing, who comes across as a real POS when he talks about not having visited the school when class was in session, saying that "it would take a good half day of mine to visit nine students." When it comes to kids, especially when you are eventually responsible for their education, one should always have --- or make --- time to see for yourself.


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