Friday, December 17, 2004


Wary of possible litigation over church-state issues, many governments have refrained from putting displays on public property that could be considered religious in nature. Polk County has followed that general rule.

So how did a Nativity scene all of a sudden appear on the front lawn of the Neil Combee County Administration Building in Bartow? It seems that knowing that the County Commission would not officially approve such a display for the aforementioned reason, a Sunday School class from Bartow's First Baptist Church took matters into their own hands and --- without prior notice or permission --- appeared Wednesday night and erected Jesus' birth scene.

Such displays generally pass constitutional muster, only as long as the display is not endorsed or paid for by the government entity. The problem is that if the Commission approves the Nativity scene, it could make the way for various other displays in the future which could find the panel in a difficult position to deny permission for.

The church's pastor has been asked to appear before the County Commission at it's next meeting Wednesday to officially ask permission for the display to remain. But even if they decide to ask the church to remove it, the commission would likely provide a period of time to be done...likely through the holiday.


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