Wednesday, November 02, 2005


There has been a lot of attention, even from across the nation, regarding the decision recently by the Hillsborough County School Board to eliminate all religious holidays from the school calendar beginning next year. It was decided after an Islamic group requested an official student holiday for Eid-Al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan. The panel also decided last week to drop student holidays for Yom Kippur and Good Friday, and designating what had been the Christmas/New Year's break as the "Winter Holiday".

Friends, the school board did the right thing. We should respect all religions and beliefs without officially favouring one over another. The board did provide a comprimise in allowing students to be absent on their religious holidays without penalty or limits on the number of days. Allowing officially declared student holidays for Judeo-Christian celebrations without offering the same for Islamic or other religions is not only overly discriminatory, there wouldn't be enough days in the school calendar left.

Religion is, and should be, a private matter. If one wants to practice his or her beliefs, go to church/temple/mosque. Church attendance has been dropping for years, which should say something about how serious many Americans are about practicing their beliefs...many are good at "talking the talk", but not "walking the walk". Better yet, you can practice your individual beliefs by living your life in the example of Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddah, or your own Supreme Being. Schools and government offices/buildings should be a "neutral zone", where all beliefs are honoured and none are favoured.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Critics of this ruling should send their children to faith-based schools instead of government-run schools. My faith is important to me so I send my three kids to Catholic school. Government-run schools should stick to teaching reading, writing, reading, math and reading.

8:35 AM  

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