Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I received this great piece in an e-mail this morning. I'm certain that many of you have probably seen this before, but for the benefit of those who may have not, I am reprinting it here. Considering President Bush's latest appointment for the United States Supreme Court, the timing is perfect.

Conservatives. Why do they hate our freedom?

The root word of ‘conservative’ is ‘conserve’.
To conserve is to leave as is; not change.
To progress is to change for the better.
If to conserve is to not change,
Then to conserve is to not progress.

The root word of ‘liberal’ is the root word of ‘liberty’; ‘liber’.
Liber’ means ‘free’.
The opposite of liberal is conservative.
If liberal is free,
What is conservative?

Do not serve cons.

Choose progress.
Choose freedom.
Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

Read. Watch. Listen.
Keep America free.
Your Democracy needs you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is absolutely no connection between those terms. Saying conservative is not for freedom and liberal is for freedom is a crock of crap. A non-sensical argument, surprising for Democrat.

10:49 AM  

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