Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Several national broadcasters around the world have been streaming their major newscasts online for awhile now. I try to make it a point to watch at least part of The National, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's nightly report which features, IMHO, North America's best news anchor, Peter Mansbridge. Their commercial competitor, CTV, also carries their flagship newscast online.

The idea has finally come to America, as NBC News announced Monday that it would offer NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams online beginning November 7, but only after 10:00 PM ET after it has aired on the Pacific coast. There are still a number of people who either can't afford or choose not to go the cable/satellite route but are online, as well as many who can't watch at 6:30 ET/5:30 CT for one reason or another, so this move will expose many more people to what is probably the best broadcast news programme in the USA.

It seems as though NBC Nightly News has truly embraced the online world. The show has it's own blog entitled The Daily Nightly, on which Williams, along with producers and correspondents in the field, post a "behind the scenes" take on the programme and the stories they are working on. For instance, correspondents Martin Savidge and Carl Quintanilla are travelling along and near the Gulf Coast areas which were affected by Hurricane Katrina, and are posting some great insights from the region that you will likely never be able to see on the air.

It's worth checking out.


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