Monday, August 01, 2005


NOTE: I originally posted this Sunday, but have updated it to keep it on top to get as many people as possible to read and hopefully act. It's just that important. Robert

Saturday evening, I was watching America's Most Wanted, and host John Walsh made an appeal for viewers to help close the mish-mash of loopholes regarding the registration of sex offenders throughout the nation.

Although it is estimated that over half a million sex offenders are supposed to register with their state, maybe one-fifth of them either have not done so or are "lost" in the system. Many times sex offenders move from one state to another and do not register in their new home state.

Congressman Mark Foley (R - Jupiter), who is co-chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children Caucus, has introduced legislation in the House known as the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (H.R. 3133). This bill would close the loophole between state programs so that sex offenders would be unable to elude authorities as well as provide funding so that law enforcement agencies will be better able to track predators.

After all of the tragedies that have occured this year, especially in our own state, it is clear that we must clamp down on these individuals who would exploit our children.

I4J strongly supports this legislation, and urges everyone reading this to spread the word, and contact your Representatives and Senators to express your support.


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