Saturday, July 16, 2005


For the second time in a month, the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has sided with an employee against the City of Lakeland's Construction and Maintainence Division who alleged racial harrassment.

The Lakeland Ledger reports that the ruling in favour of a clerical employee was reached earlier in the week. The EEOC agreed with the worker, who has been with the city for ten years, was given discriminatory job assignments, denied equal training, and moved from her office to a reception area and given a lower performance review based on the fact that she is an African-American.

The same city division was cited last month in the case of six black employees who complained that it had fostered a racially hostile enviroment through allowing a widespread culture of racial jokes and slurs to persist.

The EEOC has ordered the city and employees in both cases into conciliation, similar to mediation, in an effort to reach a settlement. If no agreement is reached, the EEOC can file suit against the city on the employee's behalf.

Sounds like we have a supervisor there who needs some serious retraining himself...


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