Monday, August 16, 2004

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly that even in a situation like Hurricane Charley how politics seems to raise it's head.

Of course, you always expect the President to see the damage for himself, meet with some of the residents, and offer words of comfort and assurance that the resources of the United States Government are on their way. And indeed, G.W. Bush certainly didn't waste any time getting on the plane. He wasn't about to make the same mistake his daddy made after Hurricane Andrew 12 years ago when he was criticized for delays in getting help to areas where it was needed most.

His Democratic opponent, John Kerry, did the right thing by simply offering a classy, heartfelt statement of sympathy and support for the people of Florida, but said he would not visit the area personally. Not only would such a visit be percived as overtly political --- certainly not appropriate during this time --- but also take resourses away from necessary recovery efforts for security and related issues.

A good idea. Let the folks down there get through this...politics is the fartherest thing on their mind right now.


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