Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Brendan Farrington of the Associated Press reports that the Republican Party of Florida leaders have informed Congresswoman and current U.S. Senate candidate Katherine Harris in a letter that she cannot win the General Election race against Democratic incumbant Bill Nelson, and that it would not support her campaign.

According to Farrington's report, published in newspapers statewide today, the May 7 letter was signed by FPOF chairwoman Carole Jean Jordan, State Committeeman (and Polk County Commissioner) Paul Senft of Haines City, and National Committeewoman Sharon Day of Broward County.

"Katherine, though it causes us much anguish, we have determined that your campaign faces irreparable damage," the letter said. "We feel that we have no other choice but to revoke our support."

Harris said Senft, Day and Jordan were pressured into signing it by "the party elite."

"I knew the background, I knew that pressure was applied," Harris said. "I knew the motivation and I knew the players and I knew they had no choice.

"The letter to Harris listed "major obstacles" facing her campaign, including media coverage of illegal campaign contributions she took from a defense contractor who later pleaded guilty to bribing another congressman.

"Additionally, while we have marveled at your fundraising prowess in the past, this campaign has not seen the same success. Combined with a tenuous relationship with the media, turmoil within your campaign, and a lack of support nationally, we feel that these obstacles, in the aggregate, will prove to be insurmountable," the letter said.

As I have mentinoned here before, it will not prevent Ms. Harris from carrying on with her campaign. Although I have never met the congresswoman, it is very clear that she is a very proud individual who believes that she is owed this opportunity after withdrawing last year at the request of party leaders --- including in the White House --- in order that Mel Martinez could run.

Well, friends, Ms. Harris will have plenty of time to review this whole drama after her campaign crashes and burns in November, when Nelson walks away with a good 25-30 percent victory.


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