Monday, March 12, 2007


...for cancelling a scheduled August debate between it's presidential candidates which was to have been co-hosted by Fox News Channel. It was done after a tasteless, disgraceful comment by Fox Chairman/CEO Roger Ailes last Thursday evening in which he deliberately confused the name of U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama with terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

Almost immediately after Ailes' remark, Democratic candidate and former U.S. Senator John Edwards dropped out of the event, citing FNS's participation.

Anyone who watches television news can tell you that Fox News Channel's "Fair and Balanced" moniker is a baldfaced lie, and that it has been biased toward conservative Republicans since it's inception. As a matter of fact, Ailes has served as a campaign adviser to Republican candidates for years, including presidents Reagan and Bush (both). Not only that, Fox News Vice President David Rhodes responded to the Nevada Democratic announcement by saying that the Democratic Party is owned by the liberal Web site, which had urged the Nevada party organization to cancel the event as part of it's boycott of Fox.

Hey, what's wrong with setting up another deal with maybe MSNBC or CNN???


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