Friday, April 29, 2005


Thought it was rather interesting how the White House screwed up sooooo bad in scheduling President Bush's news conference Thursday night.

First, they scheduled the event for the first night of the May "sweeps" period, when networks and local stations bring out their most promising or popular programming as ratings during this period help set advertising rates for the next year.

Then, Bush's press people announce a start time of 8:30PM ET, when almost all the broadcast networks are halfway through hour-long shows. They had to move the start time back to 8:00 ET after NBC, CBS, and FOX said they would not air it at the later time slot.

Then, to add insult to injury, NBC and CBS decided to cut away from the news conference early for a quick "talking heads" analysis of what Bush said before jumping onto their entertainment programming; NBC with The Apprentice, CBS with Survivor: Palau. FOX, apparantly noting that two of their competitors were getting out early, abruptly interrupted Bush's answer of the final question to start The Simple Life: Interns. Paris Hilton is much better eye candy than George W. Bush any day.

ABC was the only broadcast network to stay with Bush from start to finish. But then, with their weak Thursday schedule, they don't have much to present.

My son and I enjoyed the most entertaining show on the schedule: UPN's WWE Smackdown!


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