Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Thanks to the Miami Herald InfoManiac: WeBlog for the tip:

Z Magazine's online site has an article by Mike Whitney stating that United States troops are using napalm in the Iraqi city of Falluja. The use of napalm weapons has been banned by the United Nations since 1980, but the US admitted that it was used during the siege of Baghdad.

Take time to read the entire piece. Of course, if this is truly the case, we all know that the senior staff will likely place blame on some junior officers or "rogue" soldiers acting without authorization. And we know that is simply a means of covering up for those up the chain of command, especially since we had to admit once using napalm in Baghdad after journalists brought it to light.

Now let's say that if this is really going on, those who gave the orders, from Falluja to Baghdad to the Pentagon to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue should be made to pay. When you are dealing with a thug, and you begin acting like a thug, it makes you no better than the thug. It's as simple as that.


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