Sunday, October 17, 2004

Well...The Tampa Tribune has decided not to endorse either George W. Bush OR John Kerry for President.

This would be the first time in recent memory that "Mother Trib", as she is known around Tampa Bay, has not chosen to endorse a Republican presidential candidate, let alone any at all.

So far today the count remains SEVEN endorsements from major Florida newspapers for John Kerry...Z E R O for Bush...check the links to the editorials in the post below.

--- And one other interesting note this afternoon: China is sending a force of 100 riot police to Haiti as part of a UN peacekeeping force. If I were among those who have been creating havoc there, I would stop NOW, and be really afraid. All one has to do is remember what happened in Beijing when students tried to protest in favor of democracy...Those Chinese police don't take no stuff off NOBODY...their rule is shoot first, ask questions later.


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